About the Conference

Lektor High-Tech 2024

Where AI and Creativity Converge, New Ideas Emerge!

Łódź, 15 June 2024

Lektor High-Tech Conference 2024 is the next edition of an event dedicated to language teachers, where the power of artificial intelligence will combine with unlimited areas of creative and proven teaching methods. Through inspiring sessions, interactive workshops, and engaging discussions, Lektor High-Tech 2024 will demonstrate how AI can enrich and complement language teaching and learning practices. Participants will have the opportunity to explore innovative approaches in which AI technologies seamlessly combine with creative pedagogical strategies, opening up new possibilities for more effective and interesting learning experiences for students and learners.

The VI Lektor High-Tech 2024 Conference is an opportunity to promote openness, creating a space for collaborative dialogues between language teachers, AI experts, and education professionals.

Join us at the VI Lektor High-Tech 2024 Conference, where AI innovations meet the art of teaching, inspiring a new wave of creativity in language education.

Speakers are invited to submit their speeches via the appropriate registration form until March 31, 2024. The organizer reserves the right to verify the merits and compatibility of the submitted topics and descriptions of speeches with the conference theme.

The 6th edition of the Conference includes 2 thematic blocks:

Block 1 AI and New Technologies in Language Teaching - innovative IT solutions and projects, application of AI in language education.
Block 2 Traditionally, Creatively, Stress-free - proven traditional creative ideas; traditional methodology in the classroom



We invite language teachers and lecturers to participate in the conference: employees of language centers at universities, language schools and comprehensive schools; trainers, psychologists, mediators, as well as providers and developers of digital and mobile solutions. We hope that you will be willing to share your experience and reflections on the use of various modern tools, including AI in the teaching process. 


  • demonstration lessons (up to 45 min. + 10 min. questions) 
  • lectures (about 20 min + 10 min questions) 
  • poster presentations
  • practical workshops (approx. 60 minutes) 

Speeches in Polish or English


Registration of speakers until March 31, 2024.

*The organizer reserves the right to verify the merits and compatibility of submitted abstracts with the conference theme.

In 2024 we offer speakers the opportunity to publish the article from the speech in the post-conference e-materials. The format of the article along with the guidelines of the publisher will be published on the conference website.




Participant registration by June 9, 2024.



Speaker registration fee - registration until 31 March 2024 - 390 PLN
Early participant registration - application by 31 March 2024 - 350 zł
Late participant registration - registration until 09 June 2024 - 390 zł

*Fee includes: conference materials, post-conference e-materials, participation in the evening event, participation in the certified workshop, and coffee breaks and lunch on June 15, 2024


Mariola Hejduk, MA
Magdalena Gałaj, MA 
Izabella Łacińska-Wójcik, MA
Agata Rodak, MA
Iwona Wróblewska, MA


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Conference website www.cj.p.lodz.pl/konferencja

For details on how to apply to participate in the Conference, please visit the REGISTRATION tab. Presenters interested in publishing an article in post-conference e-materials are invited to visit the e-PUBLICATION.

Lektor High-Tech 2024 Conference for Language Teachers

Previous editions

Lektor High-Tech 2023

September 8-9, 2023


Create. Expand. Transcend.


"Nothing in life should be feared, it should only be understood." ~ Maria Skłodowska-Curie

We invite speakers to submit their speeches via the appropriate registration form until June 30, 2023. The final deadline for submission of abstracts is June 30, 2023. The organizer reserves the right to verify the merit and compatibility of submitted abstracts with the conference theme.

The 5th edition of the Conference includes 3 thematic blocks:
Module 1 - CREATE... opportunities for smart growth in the face of technology

A module for the teacher who shares his experience and proven solutions.

What new things does technology offer us, which has already taken hold in language teaching for good? Do we know how to cleverly and intelligently combine the latest solutions with the proven analog teaching workshop?

Module 2 - EXPAND... knowledge, awareness and horizons

A module for the teacher who wants to know and asks why?

What are the latest trends, research, methods, styles and techniques currently being used in language teaching? Do we know and understand how and why the way we teach (learn) a foreign language is changing? Can we explain how ubiquitous changes affect when, with whom and where and for what purpose we learn (a) language?

Module 3 - TRANSFORM... barriers, boundaries and overcome limitations

A module for the teacher who develops imagination, values relationships in the classroom, works innovatively and outside the box.

Do we know how to "nimbly" adapt to a changing world while nurturing the values, opinions and diversity around us? Are we able to think outside the box and be creative, while maintaining moderation, common sense and our identity?


Lektor High-Tech 2022

New reality, new opportunities
Offline - online - onlife

10 September 2022

The Lektor High-Tech Conference is an annual event organised by the Language Centre of the Lodz University of Technology since 2018. The aim of the conference is to exchange experiences and good practices in the application of the latest technological solutions for teaching and learning foreign languages. The conference is addressed to university teachers, state school teachers, trainers, foreign language teaching methodologists, experts and developers of software and digital solutions supporting the teaching and learning process.

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Lektor High-Tech

September 10th, 2022 

New reality, new possibilities
Offline - online - onlife

Best Practices in the new dimension of education. What have we experienced? What can we share with others?

- Presentation of innovative authoring tools; innovative use of multimedia
- Issues related to e-assessment
- Compatibility of e-learning tools with traditional language teaching techniques 
- Artificial intelligence in language teaching
- Language teaching with the use of applications and mobile devices (m-learning)
- Use of technology to motivate and support language learning
- Social media in language education

Teacher-Student-Human-being - How to build positive experiences and maintain inner balance in the world of technology?

- Building relationships in a distance learning environment; taming change
- Emotional intelligence and technology in teaching
- Specifics of working with a group and an individual in distance learning
- Cooperation and peer support in e-Learning
- Coaching and tutoring as a support tool in distance education
- Gamification in distance learning and the classroom
- Requirements of the (post)pandemic labour market and language education

 Practitioners to practitioners - How to use the latest digital tools, technologies and solutions most effectively? What is their future and in what direction should they develop? 

- Blended-learning as a direction for the development of language education and a vision of future teaching
- Research issues in e-learning; new trends in language teaching
- Standards of e-learning, evaluation of digital tools and effectiveness in language education
- Learning styles in traditional and distance learning
- Effective design of distance learning activities
- Immersion teaching in the digital era
- Learning theories and educational approaches to e-learning
- Modern language school management

Previous editions


Lektor HT 2020 - 29th IATEFL Online Meet-up

On 18-19 September 2020 Lodz University of Technology Language Centre hosted the annual international conference for English language teachers, IATEFL Poland. The event, which had its 29th edition, adopted a different formula than before due to the pandemic. For the first time plenary lectures, presentations, demonstration lessons and workshops for teachers, methodologists and language specialists were held in a virtual space.

Honorary patronage over the IATEFL PL On-line Meet-up 2020 conference was assumed by the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology, Prof. Krzysztof Jóźwik, PhD. For the Language Centre, the co-organisation of the IATEFL PL On-Line Meet-up 2020 was particularly important. In agreement with the Board of IATEFL PL, we included our native conference Lektor High-Tech 2020 in the event programme, which would have its third edition this year.

The 29th Professional Development Event IATEFL PL On-line Meet-up 2020 at TUL Language Centre started with a welcome speech delivered by Andrzej Obstawski, President of IATEFL Polska and Magdalena Gałaj, Deputy Director of the Language Centre.

A studio was set up at the TUL Language Centre, from where IATEFL Poland presenters - Andrzej Obstawski, Marcin Stanowski and Dorota Chromińska - broadcast, supervised and reported live on over 50 sessions and 22 workshops for over 600 online participants. The virtual conference gathered presenters and attendees from all over the world; we had the pleasure of watching representatives from countries such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Mongolia, Uruguay, Argentina, Germany, Ukraine and, of course, Poland. The program featured such presenters as Geoff Tranter, Hugh Dellar, Lindsay Warwick, Mark Andrews, David Fisher, Andy Cowle, Christopher Walker, Russell Stannard , Rob Howard, Gabriel Díaz Maggioli, Rachel Marie Paling or Grzegorz Śpiewak, Magdalena Kania and Radek Krzyżanowski, whose presentations gathered a wide audience on the other side of the screens. The TUL Language Centre was also represented at the Lektor High-Tech 2020 conference; the IATEFL PL On-Line Meet-Up 2020 presenters included John Speller, Katarzyna Budzińska, Marzena Stawicka and Magdalena Gałaj.

The motto of the IATEFL PL On-line Meet-up 2020 was HighTech - A Teachers' Promised Land. It referred not only to the place where the conference was held, but above all to the promise made by the promoters of the use of new technologies in language teaching, the application of modern educational methods and the implementation of a new approach to teaching and learning in the era of accelerated technological progress and the expansion of IT tools into the traditional classroom. During the event, participants had the opportunity to take a virtual walk around Lodz and Lodz University of Technology Campus. During the Happy Hours session representatives of publishers and conference partners such as Pearson, Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Egis Express Publishing, Nowa Era National Geographic Learning, Macmillan Education, Educarium, Cambridge Assessment English, Preston Publishing, British Council acquainted participants with their educational offer.


Lektor HT 2019

On 13-14 September 2019, Lodz University of Technology Language Centre was the organizer of the 2nd edition of the international conference for teachers and methodologists of foreign language teaching THE USE OF E-LEARNING AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN LANGUAGE TEACHING under the honorary patronage of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology, the Lodz University of Technology E-Learning Centre and the SERMO Association.

During this two-day event, Lodz University of Technology Language Centre hosted almost 140 participants. We organized 6 plenary sessions and 30 workshop sessions, where the speakers were eminent experts, methodologists and experienced teachers with passion. The conference was officially opened by the Director of the Language Centre, Magdalena Nowacka, Ph.D. After her speech, the floor was taken by the representatives of the University - the Vice-Rector for Science, Prof. Ireneusz Zbiciński, Ph.D. and Jacek Kucharski, Prof. of Lodz, the Rector's Representative for Quality of Education.

On the first day, we had the opportunity to listen to 3 plenary lectures conducted by Mr Thom Kiddle (NILE), Mr Rafał Grzybowski, PhD (PŁ) and Mr Adrian Chróstowski (NGL). The second day of the conference started with a plenary lecture by Ms Anna Popławska (EduNation), followed by presentations by Mr Piotr Banasiak (ETS) and Mr Radosław Krzyżanowski (OUP).

Both on Friday and Saturday, after the plenary lectures the participants could choose between three parallel workshop sessions, which were led by 35 speakers from all over Poland and abroad. Among them, of course, there were representatives of our Centre. Ms. Krystyna Breszka-Jędrzejewska, Ms. Ewa Muszczynko, Ms. Justyna Jaworska, Ms. Marta Dziubińska, Ms. Danuta Król-Stogidis, Ms. Joanna Miłosz-Bartczak, Ms. Elżbieta Krawczyk, Ms. Magdalena Gałaj, as well as Mr. John Speller, Mr. Szymon Pędziwiatr, and Mr. Łukasz Wodarczyk delivered their speeches.

During the coffee breaks and lunch breaks the conference participants had at their disposal stands of partners and sponsors of the conference - OUP, NGL, Preston Publishing, Egis, ETS, PCG Academia, Vocabite Business Cards, British Council, where they could learn about the latest news on the language education market.

During the closing ceremony of the conference we handed out gift packs from the sponsors to the participants who shared with us their valuable comments and observations on the organization of the event. The feedback on the conference will serve us to improve the event in the next edition. Special thanks were due to the members of the Lektor High-Tech 2019 Organizing Committee in the persons of Dr. Magdalena Nowacka, Dominika Biernat, Wioleta Fabijańska, Barbara Rosicka-Koczur, Anna Ruszczyńska-Bujnowicz, and Agnieszka Wajs, who made every effort to ensure that the event met the requirements of the participants and invited guests. Also actively involved in the preparation of the conference were Mr. John Speller (Lektor High-Tech 2019 website) and Magdalena Galaj (Lektor High-Tech fanpage on FB), who also took care of the graphic design of the conference. Not to forget the fact that during the conference itself the organizing committee was strongly supported by the rest of the staff of CJTUL, both teaching and administrative, all in order to ensure the quality and highest standard of the event.

We would also like to thank the management of the Centre for Information Technology (CTI), which hosted us during the plenary sessions, and the management of the Sports Bay, which gave us access to the conference rooms for workshop sessions and took care of the relaxation and well-being of our guests by offering the possibility to use the swimming pool.

We would like to thank both participants, guests and business partners for such a keen interest and numerous arrival to this year's conference and we hope that we will meet in the next edition.


Lektor High-Tech 2018

On 21-22 September 2018, the Language Centre and the e-Learning Centre hosted the participants of the national conference LEKTOR HIGH-TECH: USING E-LEARNING AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING FOR FOREIGN LANGUAGES, held under the patronage of the Rector of the Lodz University of Technology, the EAQUALS association and the SERMO Association.

The aim of the conference was to present and exchange good practices in the field of e-learning and modern technologies in foreign language teaching, including improvement of 5 skills according to the EQF. Among the invited guests were specialists in language teaching, among others Peter Lahiff, who gave the first plenary lecture of the conference on "Making a Space that Fits for Technology in Education". In addition to attending eight parallel sessions, conference guests had the opportunity to participate in a workshop session and two certified workshops run by ClickMeeting and Oxford University Press.

  • The presentations, workshops and webinar covered a wide range of issues including:
  • How to effectively use modern technologies in teaching?
  • How to use e-learning effectively?
  • Why is it worth using new technologies in language teaching?
  • How do modern technologies influence the process of acquiring and consolidating knowledge?
Lektor High-Tech       Olimpiada